Results for 'Serife Merve Kosaroglu'

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  1.  27
    Effects of the EU Originated Debt Crisis on Turkey’s Export.Serife Merve Kosaroglu, Haci Ahmet Karadas & Esengul Salihoglu - 2016 - Inquiry: Sarajevo Journal of Social Sciences 2 (1).
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    Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi Yeni Sayı: Cilt 23 Sayı 3 (Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Özel Sayısı).Sema Yilmaz - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1073-1076.
    Gayretimin bir kısmı bilim dünyasına hizmet, ama diğer çok mühim bir gayesi ise; koskoca bir İslam aleminin yitirmiş olduğu kendine hürmeti, güveni ve insanlık tarihindeki yerini hatırlatmak, kaybettiklerini inşa etmek içindir. Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin anısına ithaf ettiğimiz Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Özel Sayımıza hoşgeldiniz. Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin, 24 Ekim 1924 tarihinde Bitlis’te dünyaya gelen Fuat Sezgin, il-kokulu Doğubayazıt’ta, ortaokul ve liseyi ise Erzurum’da bitirdikten sonra 1943 yılında İstanbul’a geldi. İstanbul Üniversitesi şarkiyat (Doğu bilimi) Araştırmaları (...)
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  3. Mad Narratives: Exploring Self-Constitutions Through the Diagnostic Looking Glass.Serife Tekin - 2010 - Dissertation, York University
    In “Mad Narratives: Self-Constitutions Through the Diagnostic Looking Glass,” by using narrative approaches to the self, I explore how the diagnosis of mental disorder shapes personal identities and influences flourishing. My particular focus is the diagnosis grounded on the criteria provided by the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). I develop two connected accounts pertaining to the self and mental disorder. I use the memoirs and personal stories written by the subjects with a DSM diagnosis as illustrations to bolster (...)
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    Participatory Interactive Objectivity in Psychiatry.Şerife Tekin - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (5):1166-1175.
    This paper challenges the exclusion of patients from epistemic practices in psychiatry by examining the creation and revision processes of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), a document produced by the American Psychiatric Association that identifies the properties of mental disorders and thereby guides research, diagnosis, treatment, and various administrative tasks. It argues there are epistemic—rather than exclusively social/political—reasons for including patients in the DSM revision process. Individuals with mental disorders are indispensable resources to enhance psychiatric epistemology, (...)
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    Beyond Doomsday Fears: Why We Need to Consider the Potential Harms of AI Psychotherapy.Şerife Tekin & Megan Delehanty - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics:1-11.
    There is increased enthusiasm about the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in psychotherapy. Notably, AI psychotherapy chatbots are increasing in popularity, especially since the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave one of these apps breakthrough device designation. This article raises concerns about the lack of consideration of potential harms of this technology for clinical trial participants, and current and future users. We outline what these harms might be, by turning to the Belmont Report and the existing literature on (...)
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  6. Hyponarrativity and Context-Specific Limitations of the DSM-5.Şerife Tekin & Melissa Mosko - 2015 - Public Affairs Quarterly 29 (1).
    his article develops a set of recommendations for the psychiatric and medical community in the treatment of mental disorders in response to the recently published fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, that is, DSM-5. We focus primarily on the limitations of the DSM-5 in its individuation of Complicated Grief, which can be diagnosed as Major Depression under its new criteria, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). We argue that the hyponarrativity of the descriptions of these disorders (...)
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    Resourcefulness of an empirically informed and thickly normative account of disease.Şerife Tekin - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (9):589-590.
    Educators who start a philosophy of medicine or medical ethics class with a philosophical discussion on the definition of basic concepts in medicine, such as health and disease, might relate to this anecdotal account. Students initially find the topic engaging because of the ubiquity of the concept of disease regulating not only their direct encounter with health-related contexts, for example, when veterans returning to school receive accommodations after being diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), but also their social world, (...)
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  8. Are Mental Disorders Natural Kinds?: A Plea for a New Approach to Intervention in Psychiatry.Şerife Tekin - 2016 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 23 (2):147-163.
    Mental disorder is an urgent and growing public health problem.1 Scientific investigation of this problem has the pragmatic goals of identifying the causes of mental disorders and developing strategies to effectively treat them. Philosophers of psychiatry have participated in the inquiry into the empirical examination of mental disorders, predominantly by debating whether psychopathology is a legitimate target of scientific inquiry and, if so, how mental disorders should be explained, predicted, and intervened on. However, as I show in this paper, these (...)
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    The missing self in scientific psychiatry.Şerife Tekin - 2019 - Synthese 196 (6):2197-2215.
    Various traditions in mental health care, such as phenomenological, and existential and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, implicitly or explicitly acknowledge that a disruption of the self, or the person, or the agent is among the common denominators of different mental disorders. They often emphasize the importance of understanding patients as reasonsresponsive, in their full mental health relevant complexity, if their mental disorder is to be treated successfully. The centrality of the concept of the self is not mirrored in the mainstream scientific approaches (...)
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  10. Moral distress in Turkish intensive care nurses.Serife Karagozoglu, Gulay Yildirim, Dilek Ozden & Ziynet Çınar - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (2):209-224.
    Background: Moral distress is a common problem among professionals working in the field of healthcare. Moral distress is the distress experienced by a professional when he or she cannot fulfill the correct action due to several obstacles, although he or she is aware of what it is. The level of moral distress experienced by nurses working in intensive care units varies from one country/culture/institution to another. However, in Turkey, there is neither a measurement tool used to assess moral distress suffered (...)
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  11. Self-Insight in the Time of Mood Disorders: After the Diagnosis, Beyond the Treatment.Serife Tekin - 2014 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 21 (2):139-155.
    This paper explores the factors that contribute to the degree of a mood disorder patient’s self- insight, defined here as her understanding of the particular contingencies of her life that are responsive to her personal identity, interpersonal relationships, illness symptoms, and the relationship between these three necessary components of her lived experience. I consider three factors: (i) the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), (ii) the DSM culture, and (iii) the cognitive architecture of the self. I argue that the (...)
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    Konya Bölge Yazma Eserler Kütüphanesi "3469" Numarada Kayıtlı Bir Şiir Mecmûası.Şerife Akpinar - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 8):341-341.
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    Hicazlı Bir Âlimin Diyar-ı Rum ile Entelektüel Etkileşimi İbr'hîm el-Kûr'nî’nin Cil'ü’l-enz'r Risalesinde Hanefî-M'türîdî Geleneğe Eleştirileri.Şerife Nur Çelik - 2022 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 8 (1):61-94.
    Sadrüşşerîa’nın (ö. 747/1346) Fahreddin er-Râzî’nin (ö. 606/1210) insanın ihtiyârî fiillerini nefyettiği argümanını çü- rütmeye çalıştığı ve Hanefî-Mâtürîdî geleneğin bu husustaki prensiplerini nazarî bir dille yeniden temellendirdiği dört mu- kaddimesi (mukaddimât-ı erba‘) ile Mehmed Birgivî’nin (ö. 981/1573) bu mukaddimeler üzerinden geliştirdiği açıklamaları, diyar-ı Rum’daki düşünürlerin insan fiilleri ve cüz’î iradeye dair tartışmalarına yön vermiştir. On yedinci yüzyılda Hicaz topraklarında faaliyet gösterip Eş‘arî-Ekberî geleneği merkeze alarak ihtiyârî fiillere dair yazdığı eserleriyle bu geleneğin nispeten güçlü olduğu Hicaz, Şam ve Kuzey Afrika’da etki uyandıran (...)
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    Almanya’da İslamafobi’nin Artışında Neo-Selefî Yapıların Etkileri.Merve Nur Tekeci Çakar & Mehmet Akif Ceyhan - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 67 (67):127-161.
    Bu çalışmada, Almanya’da İslamofobi’nin artışında etkenler tespit edilmekte, bu etkenlerden biri olarak görülen Neo-selefî yapıların bu etkideki rolü analiz edilmektedir. İslamofobi, İslam dininden ve Müslümanlardan korkma, nefret etme, endişe duyma veya önyargılı olma olarak tanımlanabilir. Müslümanlardan korkma veya Müslümanlara düşmanlık besleme anlamında İslamofobi’nin kökenleri İslam’ın ilk dönemlerine kadar uzanmaktadır. Tarihi kökenlere bakıldığında bu düşmanlığın Kudüs’ün, Endülüs’ün ve Hristiyan dünyanın hüküm sürdüğü diğer toprakların Müslümanlar tarafından fethedilme süreçlerine kadar gittiği gözlemlenmektedir. Bu çalışmada ise son 20-30 yıllık süreç içerisinde görülen İslamofobi’nin artışındaki (...)
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  15. How Does the Self Adjudicate Narratives?Serife Tekin - 2013 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 20 (1):25-28.
    Philosophers and psychologists have advanced a plethora of explanations of the self in relation to narratives, positing varying degrees of connection between them. For some, narratives created by a subject about herself shape her self-constitution (Flanagan 1991; Fivush 1994). For others, they help the subject to participate in social cognition (Hutto 2008). Some represent narratives as merely one basis of personal identity and consider them cognitive tools used by the subject to construct self-concepts (Neisser 1997; Tekin 2011); others render narratives (...)
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  16. The Missing Self in Hacking's Looping Effects.Serife Tekin - 2014 - In H. Kincaid & J. Sullivan, Mental Kinds and Natural Kinds. MIT Press.
  17.  34
    Against the Drug Cure Model: Addiction, Identity, and Pharmaceuticals.Şerife Tekin, Owen Flanagan & George Graham - 2017 - In Dien Ho, Philosophical Issues in Pharmaceutics: Development, Dispensing, and Use. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Recent advances in brain imaging methods as well as increased sophistication in neuroscientific modeling of the brain’s reward systems have facilitated the study of neural mechanisms associated with addiction such as processes associated with motivation, decision-making, pleasure seeking, and inhibitory control. These scientific activities have increased optimism that the neurological underpinnings of addiction will be delineated, and that pharmaceuticals that target and change these mechanisms will by themselves facilitate early intervention and even full recovery. In this paper, we argue that (...)
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  18. Self, Philosophical Considerations.Şerife Tekin - 2015 - The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology.
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    Rethinking what every economics student needs to know.Merve Burnazoglu & Francis Ostermeijer - 2020 - Journal of Economic Methodology 27 (2):179-184.
    Volume 27, Issue 2, June 2020, Page 179-184.
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  20. Teaching Philosophy and Science of Space Exploration (PoSE).Şerife Tekin, Carmen Fies & Chris Packham - 2022 - Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP).
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    Na't Geleneğinde Şeyh G'lib Örneği.Şerife Uzun - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 6):1093-1093.
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    Japonya’nın Gizli Hristiyanları: Kakure Kirishitan Cemaati ve “Budist Kitabı Mukaddes”.Merve Susuz Aygül - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (1):409-427.
    Uzak doğu toplumlarının tarihinde yabancı dinlere karşı diğer toplumların tarihine nazaran daha esnek ve senkretik bir yaklaşım benimsenmiş olduğu kabul edilir. Bu coğrafyadaki topluluklar yeni gelen dinleri genellikle yumuşak güç kullanarak dönüştürüp kendi benliğine uygun hale getirmiştir. Budizm’in Çin’e, ardından Japonya’ya gelişi ve sonrasında bu toplulukların rengine boyanması bu esnek ve senkretik yaklaşımın birçok örneğinden biridir. Ayrıca Çin’de Konfüçyanist, Taoist ve Budist dini geleneklerinin üçünün bir arada uygulanmasına yönelik teori ve pratiklerin ortaya çıkmış olması da bu yaklaşımın göstergesidir. Aynı şekilde (...)
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    Feminist Teolojinin Eril Tanrı Eleştirisi Bağlamında Bir Değerlendirme.Şerife Özketen Çatalkaya - 2024 - Atebe 11:57-78.
    Bu çalışmada Feminist teologların Yahudilik ve Hıristiyanlıkta var olduğunu iddia ettikleri eril Tanrı anlayışına yönelik getirdikleri eleştiriler ve bunların tutarlılığı objektif bir biçimde ele alınacaktır. Ayrıca Yahudilik ve Hristiyanlıkta ataerkil ve toplumsal baskılardan dolayı oluşan, teolojiye atfedilmiş kadın karşıtı görüşler ve ortaya çıkardıkları sonuçlar araştırılmaktadır. Eleştirel, yorumlayıcı ve bütüncül yöntemler perspektifinde analizlerden faydalanılarak bir bağlam oluşturulmaya gayret gösterdiğimiz bu makalede, Feminist teologların iddia ettiği gibi Yahudilik ve Hıristiyanlık dinlerinin erkeklerin tekelinde olup/olmadığı, bu konuda ataerkil zihniyetin baskınlığı iddiası, din dilinin daima (...)
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    İslam Musayev. Engelli Bireylerin Din ve Değerler Eğitimi.Merve Aslan - 2020 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 8 (12):169-174.
    Eğitim; bireylere hayatları boyunca ihtiyaç duyacakları bilgi ve becerileri sistematik bir şekilde öğretmektir. Din eğitimi ise bireyin mensubu olduğu dinin inanç, ibadet, muamelat ve bu dinin arzuladığı ahlaki öğretiler hakkında bilgi sahibi olup bunları uygulamasının beklenmesidir. Din eğitimi bireylerin ihtiyaçları ve gelişimsel basamağına uygun olarak verilmektedir. Bireyin yaşı, zihinsel bilgi basamağı, cinsiyeti, eğitim durumu vb. özellikler alacağı eğitimi etkilemektedir. Engel durumu da bireyin sahip olduğu özelliklerden biridir. Bu durum bireyin özelliği olmakla birlikte bireyi sınırlandırır. Bireyin bu sınırlılıkları psikolojik, fiziksel ve (...)
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    Ancient China.Merv Fowler - 2015 - In Andrew Copson & A. C. Grayling, The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Humanism. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 133–152.
    In the words of Robert Allinson, people are reminded of the generalized folk saying that every Chinese person is a Confucian, a Taoist, or a Buddhist. Confucius's teachings influenced later Chinese society on dramatic level. The Confucians used the term Tao in the sense of social order, and as a foundational ethical principle. Confucius used the term te to signify the virtue in the sense of correct living according to Tao, the right way. Wu‐wei is the ability to act with (...)
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  26. Hafsa Kesgin. Abortion in Islamic Law. Istanbul: Kitabi Publications, 2018.Merve Ünal - 2023 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 1 (58):116-118.
    Klasik İslam hukukunda bulunan görüşlere dayanılarak kadınlara 4 aylık bebeğin kürtaj edilebileceğine dair fetvalar verilmesi konusundaki endişesi Hafsa Kesgin’in bu kitabı yazmasına vesile olmuştur. Ayrıca Hafsa Kesgin pozitif hukuku ve İslam hukukunu mezceden kitap türünde bir çalışma bulunmadığını belirtmiştir. Yazarın bu eksikliğe dair bir katkı yapmak istemesi çalışmanın ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Kitap kısa bir giriş ve beş ana başlıktan oluşmaktadır. Yazar konuyu tıp, önceki şeriatlar, sosyoloji, pozitif hukuk ve İslam hukuku açılarından ele almıştır. Eserinin bir bebeğin daha hayata tutunmasına vesile (...)
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    My Illness, My Self, and I: when self-narratives and illness-narratives clash.Şerife Tekin - 2022 - Philosophical Explorations 25 (3):314-318.
    In a compelling and provocative paper, ‘Solving the Self-Illness Ambiguity: The Case for Construction Over Discovery,’ Sofia M.I. Jeppsson distinguishes two ways of addressing the self-illness ambiguty problem. The first is the Realist Solution, which postulates a pre-existing border between the self and the illness and frames the goal of treatment in psychiatry as helping the patient ‘discover’ this boundary. Addressing the shortcomings of the Realist Solution, both in terms of its feasibility and possible outcomes, Jeppsson proposes and defends the (...)
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    Public procurement of artificial intelligence systems: new risks and future proofing.Merve Hickok - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-15.
    Public entities around the world are increasingly deploying artificial intelligence and algorithmic decision-making systems to provide public services or to use their enforcement powers. The rationale for the public sector to use these systems is similar to private sector: increase efficiency and speed of transactions and lower the costs. However, public entities are first and foremost established to meet the needs of the members of society and protect the safety, fundamental rights, and wellbeing of those they serve. Currently AI systems (...)
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    Mevlevi Rites in Hermeneutics.Merve Nur Kaptan - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (1):385-410.
    There are two basic paradigms in social sciences. The first of these is positivism, which is based on explanation-oriented thought; the other is the understanding/interpretive paradigm that emerged as an alternative to positivism. As a theory of meaning that finds its place in many socio-cultural fields, the hermeneutic approach is among the paradigms based on understanding/interpretation. The hermeneutic approach appears at the point of comprehending the invisible, beyond the observable. In this context, examining Mevlevi Rites in a hermeneutical context as (...)
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    Dest'n-ı İbr'hîm'in Yeni Bir Nüshası.Merve Güven - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 67:163-215.
    Destân-ı İbrâhîm, Anadolu İslamî Türk edebiyatının teşekkül devresine ait manzum hikâyelerden biridir. Mesnevi nazım şekliyle yazılan bu eser, Hz. Peygamber’in, cariyesi Mâriye bint Şem‘ûn el-Kıbtiyye’den (öl. 16/637) dünyaya gelen oğlu İbrahim’in (öl. 10/632 [?]) vefatını konu edinmektedir. Eserin, yurt içi ve yurt dışı kütüphanelerinde çok sayıda yazma nüshası bulunmaktadır. Bu durum eserin halk tarafından sevildiğinin, yazıldığı dönemden itibaren ilgi ve alaka gördüğünün en önemli göstergesidir. Bu nüshalardan bazıları farklı araştırmacılar tarafından incelenmiş ve yayınlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada eserin daha önce herhangi bir (...)
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    Self and mental disorder: Lessons for psychiatry from naturalistic philosophy.Şerife Tekin - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (1):e12715.
    The question “What is the relationship between the self and mental disorder?” is especially important for mental health professionals interested in understanding and treating patients, as most mental disorders are intimately tied to self‐related concerns, such as loss of self‐esteem and self‐control, or diminished agency and autonomy. Philosophy, along with the cognitive and behavioral sciences, offers a wealth of conceptual and empirical resources to answer this question, as the concepts of the self and psychopathology have occupied a central place in (...)
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  32. “Will I Be Pretty, Will I Be Rich?”: The Missing Self in Antidepressant Commercials.Serife Tekin - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (5):19 - 21.
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    Our Ramazan and I.Aktaş Şerif - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:1-3.
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    Postmodernizmin Eklektik Anlayışı ve Afiş Tasarımlarına Etkisi.Merve Yildirim - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 10):959-959.
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    From Dual Roles to Dynamic Equilibrium: An Overview of Theoretical Perspectives Used in Studies Addressing Work-Life Struggles of Working Mothers.Merve Gerçek - 2024 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 19 (1):188-203.
    There has been much scholarly attention given to the role of women in the labor market throughout the years. While there are plenty of evaluations of ideas and perspectives regarding work-life concepts, there is limited understanding regarding the theoretical foundation of work-life concerns specifically about mothers. This study aims to provide an overview of theories used to investigate the work-life issues of working mothers. The data were collected from the Web of Science database. A total of 63 research studies examining (...)
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    VULVA STUDY. hidden but not undiscovered” in Conversation with “Manufacturing the Vulva.Merve Şahinol & Melike Şahinol - 2022 - NanoEthics 16 (2):205-222.
    Cosmetic surgery and techno-medical manufacturing of the body are booming. The transformative potential of cosmetic surgery is used to shape and enhance physical appearance, gender identity and sexuality. Among the cosmetic procedures that have become popular is intimate surgery for women, which is oriented towards an ideal shape of the vulva. Almost in parallel with this trend, vulva-positive websites highlighting the diversity of the vulva are becoming ever more widespread in order to enlighten women and contribute to women’s health. This (...)
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    Is Big Data the New Stethoscope? Perils of Digital Phenotyping to Address Mental Illness.Şerife Tekin - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (3):447-461.
    Advances in applications of artificial intelligence and the use of data analytics technology in biomedicine are creating optimism, as many believe these technologies will fill the need-availability gap by increasing resources for mental health care. One resource considered especially promising is smartphone psychotherapy chatbots, i.e., artificially intelligent bots that offer cognitive behavior therapy to their users with the aim of helping them improve their mental health. While a number of studies have highlighted the positive outcomes of using smartphone psychotherapy chatbots (...)
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    Settling the Desert, Unsettling the Mirage: Urban Ecologies of Arab and Gulf Futurisms in Ahmed Naji's Using Life.Merve Tabur - 2024 - Utopian Studies 35 (1):187-208.
    Contemporary Arabic speculative fiction, particularly following the Arab Spring uprisings, is often interpreted as part of an emerging trend of Arab dystopias responding to political upheaval. These texts' ecological concerns, which produce diverse conceptions of futurity, are understudied. This article examines how urban futures are envisioned in an Egyptian speculative fiction text, Ahmed Naji's _Istikhdām al-ḥayāh_ (2014; _Using Life_, 2017). Putting _Using Life_ in dialogue with discussions on Gulf futurism and Arabfuturisms, the article first examines the text's depiction of hegemonic (...)
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    KILIÇ, Filiz, Mehmet KILIÇ . Avanos'a D'ir Yazılar - I. Ankara: Grafiker Y.Şerife Ördek - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 20):679-679.
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    Kayseri / Tarihi Talas Evleri Giriş Cephe Tasarımları.Şerife Tali̇ - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 21):391-391.
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  41. Looping Effects of Human Kinds’ after 13 Years: An Analysis.Şerife Tekin - 2009 - Felsefe Tartismalari 42:58-66.
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    Relationship Between the Death Anxiety of Mothers with Mentally Disabled Children and Trust in Social Policy.Merve Nur Oktar & Recep Yildiz - 2019 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 14 (1):463-498.
    Sosyal politikalar dezavantajlı gruplara fayda sağlamak amacıyla oluşturulmaktadır. Ancak bazı durumlarda bu politikalara duyulan güven düzeyinin düşük olması bir takım olumsuz sonuçlar doğurabilmektedir. Zihinsel engelli çocuğa sahip ebeveynlerin yaşadıkları ölüm kaygısı bu olumsuz sonuca bir örnek teşkil etmektedir. Bu noktadan hareketle çalışmada zihinsel engelli çocuğu olan annelerin sosyal politikalara duydukları güvenin çocuklarından önce ölme kaygısına etkileri araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada yalnızca zihinsel engelli çocuğu anneler ile görüşülmesinin temel sebebi, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (2011) verilerine göre zihinsel engelli çocuğun bakımını yüksek bir oranla (%81) (...)
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    Florence and Baghdad: Renaissance Art and Arab Science by H. Belting.Merve Nur Türksever Sezer - 2023 - Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review 7 (1):45-59.
    Hans Belting, _Florence and Baghdad: Renaissance Art and Arab Science_, trans. Deborah Lucas Schneider (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2011), 303 pp.
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    Divan Şiirinin Söz varlığında Yalan.Şerife Akpinar - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 3):43-43.
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    The Future of Human Rights by Alison Brysk: Cambridge: Polity Press, 2018.Şerif Onur Bahçecik - 2019 - Human Rights Review 20 (4):497-498.
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    Psychiatric taxonomy: at the crossroads of science and ethics.Şerife Tekin - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (8):513-514.
    The scientific investigation of mental disorders is an invigorating area of inquiry for philosophers of mind and science who are interested in exploring the nature of typical and atypical cognition as well as the overarching scientific project of ‘carving nature at its joints’. It is also important for philosophers of medicine and bioethicists who are concerned with concepts of disease and with the development of effective and ethical treatments of mental disorders and the just distribution of mental health services. Philosophical (...)
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    No Evidence for an Auditory Attentional Blink for Voices Regardless of Musical Expertise.Merve Akça, Bruno Laeng & Rolf Inge Godøy - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Background. Attending to goal-relevant information can leave us metaphorically ‘blind’ or ‘deaf’ to the next relevant information while searching among distracters. This temporal cost lasting for about a half a second on the human selective attention has been long explored using the attentional blink paradigm. Although there is evidence that certain visual stimuli relating to one’s area of expertise can be less susceptible to attentional blink effects, it remains unexplored whether the dynamics of temporal selective attention vary with expertise and (...)
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    Unintended Harms of Novel Predictive Technologies in Mental Disorder Treatment.Şerife Tekin - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 15 (1):46-48.
    Words we use to characterize mental states matter; they affect, for better or worse, the individual whose mental states are in question. For example, referring to a child whose behavior seems a bit...
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    Opinions of Teachers on Distance Education Applications in English Language Teaching Policies in Northern Cyprus During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Merve Uysal & Çağda Kıvanç Çağanağa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic affected education institutions just like several other sectors. These institutions, which are among the places where people are found collectively, were the first places that were closed for precaution. Some problems of distance education conducted in online platforms which were assumed upon the termination of face-to-face education emerged in time. Especially in this urgent solution, where the workload of teachers has increased, some application difficulties have been identified in foreign language teaching. From this point of view, considering (...)
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    A philosophical exploration of experience-based expertise in mental health care.Roy Dings & Şerife Tekin - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (7):1415-1434.
    1. Imagine the following hypothetical scenario: Sarah is often called an expert on depression: after all, she graduated from medical school and has a PhD in neuroscience. She knows all theories of...
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